Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy B'day Ah Boy!!!

Haha, another b'day has come along... *applause for e b'day boy* LOL! Ok anyways, I can't rmb when ah boy joined e fam but sld be like... in e first year tt BA was formed? Can't rmb at all xD. Anyways, from a quiet quiet person who only says "Lol", ah boy finally started talking more and his vocab has expanded too =p!!! Anyways, here's some memories tgt with ah boy =p

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Update + Kat's 21st

Ok first of all, I removed all my sub accounts from fam so dun be surprised if suddenly u see like a few ppl gone from fam list. 2nd of all, I guess I've been remiss in wishing fam members happy b'day on e fam blog since we do it on fb but I guess can do in both places? I shall start from Kat's b'day since she has pestered me to update e fam blog. For each person's b'day I shall to upload pictures/quotes tt are memories of times tgt or which I think describe u so give me time to think n upload e posts xD. Anyways, here we go!!

HAPPY 21st B'DAY KAT!!!!!! Here are a few epic memories tt we have had tgt. Dun kill me after I post it up ok ;D.

Hee, u really always make us laugh when u are around kat. U bring joy to e fam in ur own special way and u always liven up e atmosphere when u online xD. continue to be e way u are n create more memories tgt with us! ;D

Also, Chaos's b'day has just passed! His b'day was on 18th August (pls dun kill me if I rmb wrong though it sld be correct) and here's a belated b'day to him! Since u're a new member n u live in America, e time diff is so huge tt we rarely even get to play tgt. But we HAVE played tgt at least once or twice b4 n e 2nd time round u met alot more of us =D. Unfortunately, I dun have any SS of our times tgt except this one n it's not much. We dunno much about u yet also but sure hope to get to know u alot more! So stay on with us n let us show u how many crazy ppl there are in e fam (not including me of coz LOL =p). Hope u will enjoy being with us n create alot more memories tgt!!

Heh, on a sidenote, it's not tt u didn't stand a chance... it's just tt u now have ppl in e fam whom u know like br also so u can always find us to play br with u when we are online at e same time! ;D

There are still some august babies... if i missed out anyone who's b'day is in august n is b4 chaos's one, do tell me! I will add in asap =x. Also, fam is now not as active since we are all in e midst/beginning/ending of school sem n it's quite bz for us all. either tt or we are working/in NS. But hey, we always will get back tgt eventually n yes I will try to organize a fam outing but it seems pretty diff at e moment so gimme time to gather timings n organize sth =D. Ciaos ppl!! (it's way past my bedtime for a saturday nite =x)